Best Answer- Choose by Asker:
It depends on how professional the diablo 3 gold online shops it is. There too many diablo 3 gold website, so it is really important for you to choose one professional for cheap diablo 3 gold. Like me, I play diablo 3 since it released, and have bought diablo 3 gold over 10 times already, and my account still working fine until now. Absolutely, it is safe for me to buy diablo 3 gold from the online shop where I choosed. If you like, I will tell you here, link is as below:
Diablo 3 Items, Diablo 3 Gold, Diablo 3 Power Leveling, Diablo 3 News |
Monday, June 18, 2012
Friday, June 8, 2012
What are some legitimate diablo 3 gold buying websites Without Paypal?
BEST ANSWER - Choose as Asker
Try this one, really cheap diablo 3 gold you can get, best diablo 3 gold website for cheap diablo 3 gold so far as I used.
They accept many kinds of payment. Google checkout, Credit Card and so on.
I always buy diablo 3 gold there and can get diablo 3 gold fast delivery, always finished in 10 minutes or less. So if you like, you can test there first!
Asker's Comment:
thanks man.
Try this one, really cheap diablo 3 gold you can get, best diablo 3 gold website for cheap diablo 3 gold so far as I used.
They accept many kinds of payment. Google checkout, Credit Card and so on.
I always buy diablo 3 gold there and can get diablo 3 gold fast delivery, always finished in 10 minutes or less. So if you like, you can test there first!
Asker's Comment:
thanks man.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Diablo III Legendary Items
There are quite a few legendary items on the Diablo 3 gold auction house at this moment. Much more than you would see equipped on a character in World of Warcraft. Does this mean that “legendary” is devalued?
Not really. The interesting thing about legendary items in Diablo 3 is their level range. I mean, right now we’re seeing legendaries mostly below level 20 (where the majority of players are).
In this market these <20 legendaries aren’t worth much. Players quickly outlevel them and pretty soon blue items will oustrip them for stats. I discuss this in more detail within the diablo 3 gold guild.
There are a few tasty items to be had:
But at the current prices I wouldn’t buy them, or equip them if they dropped. This player (selling at just under 400k gold) has the right idea. He saw the lower level legendaries start to devalue hours into the launch and knows that by the time later act Hell blues are dropping regularly this sword will be an orange coloured text novelty only.
There’s still one market, even for out of date legendaries. If they’re priced cheap enough most players will be tempted. They’ll think of levelling alts and how the legendaries for their level, give the best stats/dps.
Say you start a new Monk – if you could equip a fine legendary fist weapon by level 9 you would. That’s unique to a Monk though. Legendary armour and weapons used by multiple classes will be in more demand.
If you spot a legendary with a bargain bid price, I’d still go for it. Just don’t spend a large amount of your stash on it!
Diablo 3 Gold Farming Tips
Today I thought I’d take another look at an ever popular topic (or so the searches that find the blog tell me): Diablo 3 Farming – specifically gold farming. Given the costs to get those lovely gold auction house gear upgrades to progress; to counteract the repair bills you get more and more of when you move through inferno; and to create novelty items (such as the Hellish Staff of Herding), it’s no wonder players want as much gold as possible in as short a time as possible!
I go into more detail in the gold guild but let’s have a look at some of the common factors you need to consider when farming gold in D3.
Profitable Areas For Your Level
Level 30 Monk Tripping the Light Fantastic
Some spots are sweeter than others, and the general consensus is the higher you go the better (plus get to 60 to begin stacking Nephalem Valor) but what if you’re not 60? What if you’re level 30 and you’re enjoying normal in no hurry?
Well did you know, for instance, that Whimsyshire – which you can access in normal after a bit of rare drop hunting – contains loot that’s roughly a level above the level you enter it on? For instance, you take the normal staff of herding to the entrance near New Tristram on normal difficulty and run through it. You’ll get pages of blacksmithing and jewelcrafting, gems above what you can get in Act IV and a decent amount of gold and magic items – often with ilevels above normal.
That’s a bit of an awkward spot to gain access to, I agree. Alternate farming areas like Bastion’s Keep and the Gardens of Hope are also very profitable – even at a lower level. In fact, anywhere with a high mob, or breakable container count can be great! If you’re geared right… which brings us to:
Gearing For Farming
Try to get this as high as you can
Part of the beauty of Diablo 3 farming is that with a gold find/magic find set, your favourite spot in game becomes a money maker. Take advantage of this and start building a gold find set. It can start humbly – 50% – and build to a decent amount – like the 182% above – but the more gold and magic items you find the better your chances of upgrading your GF and MF sets will be – it’s a positive feedback loop of farming glory.
Gold Harvesting together with Gold Farming
You can get this kind of traffic in under an hour
Gold farming is one approach to getting gold in Diablo 3. But remember that while you do so, you could be letting gold grow elsewhere. Let’s think of an analogy that works with ‘farming’. I like ‘harvesting’.
Think of juicy RNG rings and amulets rolled by trinket vendors; think of underpriced goods on the auction house; think of those magic items that drop while you’re farming – all these are ‘seeds’. You plant those seeds in the fertile soil of the gold auction house and then you continue your gold farming business. All the while those seeds are ‘growing’.
Get in the habit of listing auctions (priced right – which is something I cover in my guides) every 30 minutes and taking a break from slaying and gold farming to check on them. This is ‘harvest time’. You’ll grow to enjoy checking your active auctions and seeing 5/10 where it was 10/10 before. Sending your harvested gold to stash is a warm feeling – like a sip of strong alcohol in the cold of a winter night. Keep this kind of cycle going during your playing session for maximum gold farming and gold harvesting benefit. You will not regret it!
Diablo 3 Legendary Item List
So I’ve played quite a lot of Diablo 3 this past few weeks. What about you? I’ve played so much that I’ve got ‘lucky’ 3 times! The gods of RNG favoured me with 3 fine, legendary items and then, fickle as they are, deserted me when it came to the stats. It’s hard to put a finger on the feeling you get when you see these items drop. I mean there is a concern that legendary items are common in Diablo 3 (something Blizzard might correct) but I’ve seen thousands of magic items andhundreds of rare items and I’ve only seen those lovely orange letters thrice. It’s still awesome to see them drop. Here’s my own, personal Diablo 3 Legendary Item List:
Blind Faith
My first legendary item. Horrible. The epitome of thinking you’ve found something good only to have it go bad. Like finding money while out walking, picking it up and then discovering it’s coated in something indescribably horrible… a bit like that but given those stats, probably worse.
The Executioner
I was on a level 20 Barbarian when this one dropped so I’ll confess I got excited. When I identified it and skimmed the stats I nearly gasped, for you see I read ‘Dexterity’ as ‘Strength’ and the other stats are quite nice. For a moment I was thinking I’d actually be able to run around with a legendary equipped as an upgrade. Alas, as you can see from the damage comparison with the rare 1 handed weapon I had equipped, it was not to be.
Pus Spitter
I’ll admit, this one could be an upgrade for many users in and around Act I Inferno (where I was gold farming when this dropped). There’s a touch of irony to this particular drop. I have already used Pus Spitter from level 59 to 60, the end of Hell and start of Inferno. I found it on the auction house – it has nice statistics for a DH – for a steal. It’s got a touch higher dps and a touch lower iAS (increased attack speed). It’s also very common and tends to have these affixes – therein lies the rub…
The stat spread isn’t that random (so it’s good, but every time it drops – it’s good) so instead of being hobbled by random stats like the other two examples above, you have a market saturated with relatively decent Pus Spitters… but I’m still quite fond of this item because, when I’m out of hatred and spamming Elemental Arrow it defaults to the standard shooting animation which is awesome. You see, the Pus Spitter fires BATS not arrows. This is very, very important.
… Pus Spitter
I’ve not sold any of my legendary items. For obvious reasons. One is a hodge podge of stats that your gran would turn her nose up at. Another is for agile Barbarians who like being dextrous (NONE). And two are very similar legendary 2 handed crossbows… they’re decent, reliable… but mass produced. Like a BMW. I want the Ferrari of legendaries to drop. But I think I’ll have to wait! What legendary tales of woe are you guys sitting on? Share your tales in our forums!
Sunday, June 3, 2012
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